Plunge Cut Saw

Angle fence F-WA 205357

Technical data
Examples for usage
Media centre
is an accessory of
Weight lbs
undefined The angle fence can be attached to all F-type guide rails with the adapter. Simply attach, adjust and lock the adapter.
undefined Set the angle required for the cut by referencing the large legible scale, and lock the fence.
undefined Place the assembled unit, comprising the angle fence and guide rail, on the workpiece.
undefined Cut the workpiece at the exactly set angle.
  • Angle cuts executed exactly according to the scale with the MAFELL angle fence.
  • The angle fence can be attached to all F-type guide rails with the adapter. Simply attach, adjust and lock the adapter.
  • Set the angle required for the cut by referencing the large legible scale, and lock the fence.
undefined Main picture
jpg, 2520 × 2520 Pixel,
141.5 kB
undefined Images in use 1
jpg, 1417 × 1417 Pixel,
839.1 kB
undefined Images in use 2
jpg, 1417 × 1417 Pixel,
873.5 kB
undefined Images in use 3
jpg, 1417 × 1417 Pixel,
1020.2 kB
undefined Images in use 4
jpg, 1417 × 1417 Pixel,
1.0 MB